We offer Tuition in Drums, Guitar, Bass and vocals

Lessons will be with one of our experienced and friendly team: Chris, Dave and Elicia, Carly

Teaching from beginner to advanced standard.

All lessons are structured and thorough, with work sheets given.

Home work will be set for the student to maintain regular practise.

Lessons are conducted on a one to one basis at the studios.

Once the Student is at a playing standard, they have the choice to embark on the Rockschool syllabus.

Here they can attain their exam grades from 1 through to grade 8 with worldwide exam board @rslawards

The studios continue to maintain a 100% pass rate.

There is no obligation for Students to work on grades; they will still learn the craft and all genres of music and production.

Lessons can be paid for by

S/O, Pay as you go with Cash, Chip and Pin or PayPal.